
worry and not worry

My friend Marion from Home Collection recently mentioned this blog dedicated to lists. I love lists, they really help me a lot in my daily life. This one particular list is amazing so I thought i'd share it with you (the picture also comes from Lists of Notes). 

(Source: F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters; Image: F. Scott Fitzgerald with his daughter, Scottie, in 1924.)

Things to worry about:

Worry about courage
Worry about cleanliness
Worry about efficiency
Worry about horsemanship

Things not to worry about:

Don’t worry about popular opinion
Don’t worry about dolls
Don’t worry about the past
Don’t worry about the future
Don’t worry about growing up
Don’t worry about anybody getting ahead of you
Don’t worry about triumph
Don’t worry about failure unless it comes through your own fault
Don’t worry about mosquitoes
Don’t worry about flies
Don’t worry about insects in general
Don’t worry about parents
Don’t worry about boys
Don’t worry about disappointments
Don’t worry about pleasures
Don’t worry about satisfactions

Things to think about:

What am I really aiming at?
How good am I really in comparison to my contemporaries in regard to:

(a) Scholarship
(b) Do I really understand about people and am I able to get along with them?
(c) Am I trying to make my body a useful instrument or am I neglecting it?

With dearest love,



HomeCollection. said...

(j'allais le poster également!)
je viens de passer un temps fou sur le blog. hop dans les favoris.


ah ben zut j'espère que ça ne te dérange pas que je le fasse aussi ici! bisous